Meat – Can our bodies handle it?

  Question : Are we designed to eat flesh meats? Can our bodies fully utilize it? Answer    : The evidence presented below plainly indicates that though  we adapt, we are not…   Contrasting The Characteristics of Humans & Animals [table type=”table-bordered”] HERBAVORES Plant Eating Humans & Animals CARNIVORES Meat Eating Animals Teeth –  Flat for grinding. Teeth – Designed to tear apart raw meat of other animals Hands – Designed for gathering and picking. Claws – Sharp for ripping flesh and catching prey Intestines – 24 – 26 feet long: allows time needed for digesting nutrients found in plants. Intestines – very short, up to 8 feet long: allows fast digestion of flesh before it putrefies (rots) […]

18 Reasons for becoming vegetarian

People choose a vegetarian or even vegan diet for various reasons such as it is healthier, controlling food sensitivities, animal lover, eco friendly, etc. What is your reason? Come explore 18 possible reasons. [table type=”table-bordered”]   # Reason Comments 1 Avoid excess protein Meat eaters are almost always getting too much protein. A “meat substitute” is no more required than is meat. 2 Animal tissue waste is ingested Animals like humans eliminate waste from the cells into the blood to be eliminated from the body. Meat extracts have practically no food value and are heavily loaded with waste such as uric acid. The human body therefore has to eliminate it’s […]

The 27 Varieties Of Indigestion

“Take care of your stomach the first fifty (50) years of your life, and the next fifty (50) your stomach will take care of you.”   Statement made by Dr. Stephen Smith, Founder of the American Public Health Association, at the age of ninety-nine (99) standing before a body of eight or nine hundred professional men. Below is a table of 27 possible causes of your indigestion. [table type=”table-bordered”] # CAUSE TIPS 1. Eating too fast Digestion begins in the mouth. The stomach cannot perform the work of the teeth. 2. Overeating The ordinary healthy person should stop eating while he has an appetite. 3. Meals too close together The stomach […]

Do Foods Affect Children?

Do Foods Affect Children?

A mother while shopping in a popular supermarket was presented with a box of cereal by her five year old son. When she refused to allow him to have it, he threw himself on the floor screaming and shouting in a wild temper tantrum. His mother proceeded to repeat his actions throwing herself unto the floor and screamed and shouted at the top of her voice. Her son now standing in a state of shock and horror at the sight of his mother’s performance, didn’t move a muscle. Then without a word the mother pointed him in the direction to return the product and he sped off without hesitation. I […]

The Mind & Disease – Be Positive!

The Mind & Disease – Be Positive!

I heard a story once of two patients, on the same hospital ward, who were both diagnosed with cancer. As the physician gave the first patient his results, he said to him, “Sir I have very bad news for you. The blood test results came back, showing you have cancer and it is at the fourth stage. Even treatment at this time will not help you. You have just six months to live”. The distraught patient left the ward feeling overwhelmed and hopeless, and died six months later. The second patient was told by the doctor, that his blood test results came back and there was no trace of cancer. […]

How About a Glass of Juice?

How About a Glass of Juice?

Juicing has been a craze over the past ten years. Everyone has now become an expert on juicing and what to juice, and so large amounts of information has been made available in books and online, for the public to view and use. Whether vegetables or fruits, juicing holds great benefits. In their liquid form the vitamins and minerals contained in these foods are absorbed more readily and faster into the blood stream through the digestive system. Most of the vegetables we eat are usually cooked, but we are limited by the fact that, the things we like, we tend to eat. One good way to ensure that you are […]

Nursing Mothers

Nursing Mothers

Before and after conception most women would have already decided whether they would choose to breast feed or not. With information and encouragement from health professionals, family members and discussions by the couple a woman plans and prepares for breast feeding during her pregnancy. She is very careful with her diet and would massage and prepare her breast physically for breastfeeding. Again breastfeeding is optional and the decision is left up to the woman once she has no health, nor physical restrictions preventing her from breastfeeding. However, although promotion of breast feeding seem endless still some women choose not to breast feed and that’s their choice which must be respected. […]

Breast Fed Babies

Breast Fed Babies

Breast feeding is the only natural way of providing food to your baby. It is however, so surprising that most mothers would up for formula feeds. Why is this? Is it because most women do not understand the benefits of breast feeding? Well let me share some benefits with you to try and convince more mothers to actually breast feed their babies. For some mothers breast feeding is not an option either due to health reasons or cosmetic reasons or just by choice. But, whatever your choice is, the option to breast feed for healthy mothers should be paramount and seen as a joy and precious experience as so many […]

Safe Treatments in Pregnancy

Safe Treatments in Pregnancy

When we think of natural treatments and therapies we often think that they are unsafe in pregnancy and should be used very cautiously. However, natural herbs and treatments can be safer and more effective than many drugs prescribed during pregnancy.  Natural treatments can simply be vitamins, minerals, herbs and teas. Many women are advised to take iron supplements during pregnancy, this however will not be necessary if she is getting sufficient from a well-balanced diet where dark green leafy vegetables and fruits high in Vitamin C are being consumed. Well let me share a little secret with you about a herb called “Red Raspberry”.  Herbal teas are really lovely and […]

Stress-Free or Stress-Less?

Stress-Free or Stress-Less?

Are you enjoying a stress free life? Well that is amazing! No one can live without experiencing some degree of stress all the time. There are two types of stress; good stress which we experience most days to keep us getting up and facing the day ahead. It is also the spice of life, for any emotion like sheer joy or activity like crossing a busy intersection causes stress in a good sense. Bad or negative stress is the second type of stress and this refers to stresses which can cause a negative impact on health and life. Sickness and diseases can cause physical and psychological stress as well as […]

Diet during pregnancy

Diet during pregnancy

Most women do not realize the influence they have on the unborn fetus during pregnancy. We often go away with the notion that a child is trained and developed only by the external influences in the after birth onward. Well that is not true. Women need to be aware that the well-being of the child is affected by the habits she exhibits. Both during and after pregnancy, her appetites and passions are to be controlled by principle. If before the birth of her child a woman is selfish, impatient, self-indulgent and moody, these traits will be reflected in the disposition of the child. Hence some children silently receive as a […]