One day a friend contacted my wife with complaints of having a terrible headache and pain around the eyes. Her first question was “What can I take for it?” wanting a natural solution. Well there are many causes of a headache and many solutions. With some background information and an understanding of her current lifestyle the solution was simple. She is in her final year at university, currently behind on some papers and missing sleep. Now that the cause was determined the first option is to get sleep, increase her water intake and make some adjustments to catch-up with her schedule and manage her stress. Say a pain killer was used, would the symptom of a headache be addressed, Yes. Would the headache re-occur? Unfortunately, the answer is again Yes. because the underlying cause was not dealt with. This common sense approach is not the first thought or top of mind by our clients and this is where we serve you best. Identify and deal with the cause, NOT the symptom.

Four Principles of Restoration

From the book Ministry of Healing chapter 8 we read about the responsibilities of a physician regarding treatment of the sick. Within this chapter there is one paragraph on page 73 that provided an insight into disease, its cause and the approach to a proper program for restoration


Restorative Power is found in Nature

“………… Disease is an effort of nature to free the system from conditions that result from a violation of the laws of health [Cool definition of disease isn’t it]. In case of sickness, the cause should be ascertained. Unhealthful conditions should be changed, wrong habits corrected. Then nature is to be assisted in her effort to expel impurities and to re-establish right conditions in the system.”

From this simple paragraph we derive the following four (4) principles of restoration

It is important to approach any program to correct a health concern of any kind by following these four logical steps.

Neoteric 4 pillars 2

  1. Determine the cause, not the symptoms.

Symptoms are what we experience and they give clues as to the underlying complaint. Symptoms are our body’s best effort to alert us of a problem while attempting trying to resolve it. It is our responsibility to listen to our symptoms and take appropriate action.

Too many people today are running after relief of symptoms and not getting first to understand the root of the problem.  For example I have a fever and a cough. What is causing the fever and cough, perhaps the flu. What caused the flu, perhaps a weakened immune system caused by long months of overwork. While it is good to address the fever and the cough, if the overwork and maybe poor diet, lack of sufficient sleep and exercise continues, there is a greater possibility of a re-occurrence of the flu or the current flu will not easily be resolved. Same approach to dieting, first determine the cause of the weight gain, then address the cause. Even a positive self image would not fix the cause of the weight gain.

  1. Change un-healthy conditions

In the early half of the mid-1990s staff in a downtown office were becoming sick, various symptoms, but each month it seemed like more and more staff were sick and taking time-off. Turned out there was a Dry cleaner on the ground floor and the fumes from the dry cleaning solutions were not being properly vented and getting back into the building. The cumulative effect of months of these fumes was having its toll on the occupants of the office upstairs. Of course Dry Cleaners are going green and much better today. However, this experience underlines the fact that sometimes our immediate environment could be the source of our complaints.  In such a case would drugs, herbs or natural alternative care help? Sadly, no. Changing the environment will be the route to take.

See also the article entitled Your Workplace Can Leave You Feeling Sick

In the case mentioned earlier it is overwork. In other cases it may be living in damp, too dry conditions or a moldy room/basement. Once the underlying unhealthy conditions can be identified, one can make a better choice for a long term and more permanent solution to the problem. Either rectify the situation or move away from the conditions. It can be that simple.

  1. Change un-healthy habits

Habits are what we do on a regular basis or continuously. If my weight gain is from eating out everyday or I just love Ice Cream and pies. If a lack of sleep is determined to be the underlying habit or smoking, drinking, or even in the case of an allergic reaction to milk let’s say continuing to eat products that contain milk. If these habits are continued the problem will either persist or re-occur. So changing and making new habits is a mandatory part of any program. Again, it can be that simple. But, not all health problems can be assisted is such a simple manner. This is where point #4 comes in, Assist nature in Her Efforts to Recover

  1. Assist nature in her efforts to recover

Finally, knowing what we have discovered above we can now put a proper program in place to give the body a fighting chance to recover.  Where we typically run to find a medication, herb or supplements to resolve a symptom, it is not the first step, it is actually the last.

Neoteric Natural Health Consultants work with these four (4) foundation principles of restoration to put you on the road to recovery. In assisting nature, the greatest support we can give to our bodies is to co-operate with the laws of nature within our being by making some simple but significant lifestyle changes, the true remedies.

Next, Supercharge your health with 

The 8 True Remedies


Curt de Gourville, Lifestyle Counsellor

Reference: Ministry of Healing, E.G. White