Simple Lifestyle Changes You Can Make To Build Health And Combat Disease

The following information is given as a recommendation to making simple lifestyle changes to improve health and should not be considered to replace the medical advice of your Physician.

Newstart 8 Lifestyle Habits for Good Health

Newstart 8 Lifestyle Habits

Why should I make lifestyle changes ?

Good question and unless one has a personal interest for keeping fit and enjoying a life of limited or no health problems, one cannot appreciate why. It is usually in the event of prolonged discomfort or a serious diagnosis (cancer, heart disease or diabetes) that people seek help towards improving their situation in a serious way. As one doctor said, “Faulty genetics loads the gun but Lifestyle pulls the trigger.”

Among the major illnesses are Cancer, Coronary (heart) health and Diabetes. The ones most feared by people today. Why wait to find out you have a problem when you can put a program in place to eliminate or minimize the risk factors of these predominantly lifestyle caused diseases? Act now. By improving your personal health today, you can be strengthening the genes for a healthier generation tomorrow.


The “NEWSTART” Program

Our bodies are made up of the foods we eat and there is a constant breaking down and rebuilding of the system. When the body performs its work adequately or well the result is health.  When it is compensating for a deficiency, or is fighting off some stress placed upon it (physically, mentally, spiritually) the result is disease.

[blockquote author=””]Pure air, sunlight, abstemiousness, rest, exercise, proper diet, the use of water, trust in divine power—these are the true remedies. Every person should have a knowledge of nature’s remedial agencies and how to apply  them.” — Ministry of Healing, Chapter 7. [/blockquote]

These eight (8) lifestyle principles are now commonly referred to as the NEW START program coined by Weimar Institute. When properly applied, each provides the support and maintenance the body requires to build health and combat disease. These eight principles of healthy living are therefore the most natural, simplest,  inexpensive, most direct and powerful prescription for your health.

Let’s look at them briefly.

Click on one of the principles (letters) below to learn more

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[tab title=”N”] Nutrition goes to the cells and builds tissues and organs, muscle, bone and brain. Poor nutrition or poor absorption of nutrients result in physical and mental diseases.[/tab]
[tab title=”E”] Exercise strengthens muscles, heart and lungs. Builds immunity, improves nutrition uptake (calcium within the bones) improves insulin usage by the cells, improves digestion and deepens sleep.[/tab]

[tab title=”W”] Water is found in every body fluid and is used for all chemical activity within the body. Body fluids are made up of 95-97% water. Water makes blood more fluid and reduces high blood pressure. Water softens stools and improves evacuation of the bowel. The body needs water each day, not juice or liquids, for these need to be filtered also. It needs pure, clear, clean water.[/tab]
[tab title=”S”]Sunshine. Regarding sunshine and cancer, two facts clearly stand out. First, excessive, injudicious amounts of sunshine can increase skin cancer risk.  Second, avoiding sunshine is not a good alternative.  It is likely that sunshine and the vitamin D it produces may actually play a role in cancer prevention as well as in bone health. – Neil Nedley, Proof Positive Chapter 20

  • Sunlight is another one of nature’s doctors that we should avail ourselves of. Indeed, those who are desirous of maintaining or regaining health without the use of poisonous drugs and other unnatural processes should be especially interested in sunlight as a remarkable and proven healer and contributor to good health. In a fascinating book entitled “SUNLIGHT” Zane Kime, M.D., has outlined the many benefits of this remarkable healing modality. In his own preventive medicine practice, Dr. Kime features sunlight therapy along with exercise and a wholesome, low-fat diet. He points out that “sunlight is a dynamic factor in and by itself, but when used along with a good diet and exercise program it accelerates the good results…The sunlight is a vital healing force and we need to wake up to the fact that there are many people dying today who could be saved if we were utilizing sunlight the way it should be utilized.”  Kime’s well documented book–in careful tune with the latest scientific literature–should be read by all. Here are some of his findings:
  • Heart Disease – It has been shown that there is a drop in blood cholesterol after sunbaths. In one study, the blood cholesterol level of 30 patients with hardening of the arteries was taken prior to a single sunlight treatment. Blood cholesterol levels were taken again 2 hours afterward. The results showed a 13 percent decrease. Another study showed that by gradually increasing patients’ daily exposure to sunlight, abnormal electrocardiograms became normal and cholesterol and triglyceride levels are lowered. Those patients who did not get sunbaths did not experience these improvements. Dr. Kime found in his own practice that the combination of a low-fat diet, exercise and sunlight has a dramatic effect on angina (chest pains from coronary artery disease) patients. “Within 5 days on this program, we can eliminate the angina,” he reports. “The sunlight greatly accelerates the beneficial effects of the diet and exercise.”
  • The Immune System – Sunlight stimulates the immune system by increasing the number and activity of white blood cells and antibodies. These play the leading defensive role in the body against germs. White blood cells also produce interferon, a substance which has the ability to stop the reproduction of viruses. This is a key factor in the prevention and treatment of cancer and other viral diseases. In a 17-year study involving 4,000 college students, a direct relationship was found between sunlight exposure and the frequency of colds. The researchers determined that a 10-minute exposure to ultraviolet light several times a week throughout the winter months significantly reduced the frequency of colds. The ultraviolet light is the portion of the sun’s electromagnetic waves that is the most biologically active and also the part most easily eliminated by window glass, sunglasses and heavy clothing.
  • Patients receiving adequate sunlight have been shown to have less dental cavities, acne, respiratory ailments and other common maladies. Indeed, Russian scientists have discovered that exposure to sunlight, especially in winter months, greatly increases the ability of the body to resist disease.
  • Blood Pressure – Sunlight has a dramatic effect in lowering high blood pressure. The higher the blood pressure the greater the drop. 24-hours following exposure, the maximum effect is realized which will last 5 or 6 days. This combined with exercise and a low-fat, low salt diet can produce excellent results.
  • Blood Sugar – Studies have shown that the effect of sunlight on the body’s sugar metabolism parallels that of insulin. Exposure to sunlight aids in moving blood sugar out of the bloodstream and into the liver and muscles for storage as glycogen. Indeed, when diabetics were given sunlight therapy, their blood sugar dropped and the sugar in the urine decreased or disappeared entirely. The acetone bodies also decreased or vanished. Here again, the correct diet, exercise and sunlight combined to produce the best results.

A Word of Caution: Dr. Kime emphatically emphasizes that those who eat a diet high in fat should stay out of the sunlight. “Millions of Americans eat diets heavy in refined and animal fats–these are the diets loaded with fried foods, rich pastries and fatty beef. These people should not be getting a lot of sunlight…This must be emphasized: sunbathing is dangerous for those who are on the Standard (high-fat) American (SAD) Diet or do not get an abundance of vegetables, whole grains and fresh fruits. THOSE ON THE STANDARD HIGH FAT DIET SHOULD STAY OUT OF THE SUN AND PROTECT THEMSELVES FROM IT; but at the same time they will suffer the consequences of both the high-fat diet and the deficiency of sunlight.

“Experiments have shown that animals fed a high-fat diet and exposed to intense sunlight suffer considerable cancer whereas it is hard to induce cancer in animals getting the same amount of sunlight but eating a low-fat diet. The sunlight acts as an accelerator of cancer, but not as a cause, when there are a lot of fatty substances in the tissues.

“Wrinkling works the same way. It is the bad diet that has a lot to do with aging of the skin. For extra protection, people should eat diets that are rich in vitamin C, E, and carotene, a form of vitamin A. These nutrients help prevent harmful chemical reactions in the skin.” [/tab]
[tab title=”T”] Temperance or moderation is total abstinence from things injurious and moderate use of that which is good. It is eating but not stuffing. Eating regularly but not too frequently, it is about sleeping the required amount of hours but not too much. Removing, drugs, alcohol and other injurious substances from your use. Exercise to your limit without exhaustion or to the point of causing stress.[/tab]

[tab title=”A”] Air, pure and plentiful. Learn to breathe properly avoiding the shoulders or upper chest from heaving and feeling the lower (above the navel) area swell and reduce with each deep breath. Every cell needs a constant supply of oxygen. Every puff of cigarette, or cigar smoke is one less breath of oxygen through your lung and blood to the cells. Deep breathing also naturally massages the internal organs and improves mental alertness.[/tab]
[tab title=”R”]Rest. There are many bodily rhythms, each having a period of activity and a period of rest. The heart rests between beats, the lung rests between its movements, the stomach needs rest between meals to prepare for the next meal. Each day the body and brain needs rest and each week the whole body needs rest. There are two key rhythms of mention which should always be assisted.

  • Daily Rest – Circadian Rhythm. This rhythm is regulated by the sun and the moon in that a special hormone, Melatonin, is naturally produced by the body after sunset when darkness is around us. The more hours we sleep in the dark and before midnight, the more use our body makes of the melatonin produced for repair at the cellular level and the resting of the brain. Also, memory can be improved by following this cycle and going to sleep at the appropriate times (2-3 hours before midnight). Reduce or eliminate Television watching. The more you watch, the higher your respiration and the less time you will sleep.
  • Weekly Rest – Circaseptan Rhythm. Dr. Baldwin asserted some years ago that the current research indicated that “this seven-day rhythm is a normal built-in feature of our physiology.” Medical research has demonstrated such rhythms in connection with a variety of physiological functions. Some that have been identified included heart rate, suicides, natural hormones in human breast milk, swelling after surgery, and rejection of transplanted organs.  To understand the significance of these rhythms, consider the latter two items in the list.  A person will tend to have an increase in swelling on the seventh and then the fourteenth day after surgery. Similarly, a person with a kidney transplant is more likely to reject the organ seven days and then fourteen days after the surgery.  Research on circaseptan rhythms continues and new relationships are continually being discovered.  There are seven day rhythms that have been observed in both human and animal cancers and their response to treatment.  Fibrinogen, a blood clotting compound that has been demonstrated to increase the risk of heart attack, has now also been observed to have a seven day rhythm. Further work has shown that in addition to inflammatory responses operating on a circaseptan rhythm, so do the drugs that we often use to treat them. There should be one day away from work and stressful activity. This weekly rest should be on the same day (habit) of each week to facilitate the circaseptan rhythm. Some religious groups observe the Seventh-Day Sabbath (worship to God but rest from work) of creation weekly from Friday evening at sunset to Saturday evening at sunset.

[tab title=”T”]Trust in the only divine power that can understand your deepest concerns and hurts. That knows the past present and future. That can re-arrange your life and set you on a path to health and eternal life. Need Help ? – There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother and he is willing to aid you in ALL that you do. Trust him with your problems and ask him to show you a way to resolve your issues. “Your Father (God)  knows what you  need before you ask Him.”    Pray for God  to assist you in making changes and  watch Him work greatly in your life.  Pray has been observed to show activity of both alpha (basic wave form and tending toward a hypnotic effect) and beta (observed when conscious thought is taking place) brain waves. Prayer is better than meditation in that it encourages one to stay with their problems and learn to resolve them through dependence upon God. The experience improves the individual’s response to future stressors.  Meditation is a hypnotic trance like state (Alpha waves only)  which does not strengthen the individual’s response to dealing with life’s stressors and like escapism, they will succumb to future stressor when they occur.[/tab]


Curt de Gourville, Lifestyle Counselor


  • Abundant Health – Julius Gilbert White
  • Proof Positive – Dr Neil Nedley