Vegetable Basket 2Living foods are foods which keep us healthy, free from diseases and provide healing and strength to our bodies.

They are rich in anti-oxidants, anti-inflammatory properties, vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids. These are the foods we need to consume daily in order to reach and maintain an optimum level of health. Although Organic foods are preferred and healthier to use, if they are not available then use what is available.

 Do you think it is worth trying them?

Almonds: Almonds are especially nourishing to nerve cells. It contains minerals and vitamins particularly Calcium for strong bones and teeth. It is rich in protein and fat and the best nut to eat. Ten almonds are recommended at a time.

Apples: stimulates all body secretions and is a healthy tonic, medicine and bowel regulator all in one. Large variety of minerals and vitamins which strengthen the blood, lower cholesterol, helps prevent disturbance to the liver and digestion in general. They remove debris from the teeth and stimulate gum tissue. They reduce skin diseases, regulate blood glucose levels, arthritis, various lung and asthma problems and the pectin in the peel removes poisons from the system. They prevent emotional upset, tension and headaches. Apple and its juice has been recommended for weight loss, skin and bladder problems, anaemia, insomnia, gall stones and worms (sprinkle with anise seed).

Apricots, Peaches and Nectarines: High in beta carotene, which inhibits cancers of the skin, larynx and lungs. These are all high in Vitamin A which helps keep skin smooth, soft and unblemished. The high iron content and richness in minerals make apricots beneficial in anaemia, tuberculosis, asthma, bronchitis and blood impurities. Excellent for skin eruption, diarrhea and weight loss. Apricots may help with constipation and will destroy intestinal worms. Avoid dry fruits containing sulphur. Fresh is always better or sundried with no preservatives.

Bananas and Plantains: High in potassium, which aids cardiovascular disease. They are low-fat, low sodium foods and contain Tryptophan that reduces stress and assist with sleep. They neutralize stomach acids, assist in healing of stomach ulcers, colitis, diarrhea, hemorrhoids and provide general energy. Good for weight gain and building strength. The inner surface of the skin can be applied to burns or boils for healing.

Barley: High in fibre, inhibits cancer and lowers LDL cholesterol. Nutritious food and aids with weight gain. It assist in healing stomach ulcers, relieves diarrhea because it is mild and nutritious. It may be used in asthma, to reduce fever and for chicken pox (Barley water).

Berries: Great source of fiber pectin, which reduces cholesterol. They aid in urinary tract infections (cranberries), diarrhea, morning sickness, menstrual cramps and blueberries and its leaves are good for diabetes. It is a great source of Vitamin C, a blood cleanser and used for antiseptic purposes. Blackberries are used as a general tonic and blood cleanser. Recommended for anaemia, constipation, weight loss, weak kidneys, arthritis, skin condition, and diarrhea. Used for sinus problems and inflammation of the intestines. The unripe berries are said to be valuable to treat hemorrhages and menstrual cramps. The leaves may be used for treatment of sore throat, boiling water being poured over the leaves and the water cooled to be gargled. Strawberries are useful as a skin cleanser, for rheumatism, constipation, high blood pressure and skin cancer. Strawberry leaves with parsley and blueberry leaves can be used as a tea for kidney remedy and diabetes. Strawberry when cut in half and rubbed on the teeth and gums, is said to remove tartar and strengthen and heal the gums. The juice should be allowed to remain on the teeth for as long as possible to dissolve the tartar. The mouth may then be rinsed with warm water.

Broccoli: Excellent food for weight loss, constipation, blood cleansing, high blood pressure and weak glands involved in the digestion of foods. Assist in the prevention of stomach, colon, lung, and related cancers. Good source of vitamin C, calcium and potassium, and contains almost no fat.

Cabbage and Brussel Sprouts: Potent cancer fighters, rich in vitamin C and the juice and vegetable is effective in the treatment of ulcers. Cabbage stimulates the immune system, recommended as a blood cleanser and eye strengthener. It stimulates the immune system and kills bacteria and viruses, and recommended for the teeth, skin, gums, hair, nails and bones, as well as for asthma, tuberculosis, gout, constipation, kidney and bladder disorder and weight loss. Excellent iron tonic for iron deficiency, cleanses mucus membrane of the stomach and intestines by adding fiber to the system. Used years ago for headaches, colic, deafness, insomnia and ulcers. Slows thyroid levels in hyperthyroidism, and the cold leaves act as a poultice for mastitis in breastfeeding women.

Carrots: Carrots are possibly the best body cleanser provided to man. Carrot juice has been effective in curtailing the most virulent, incurable cancers such as lung and pancreas. The beta carotene in carrots may retard cancer progression as well as disrupt the cancer mechanism that first turns cells into malignancies. Beta carotene is beneficial in preventing cataracts and cancers of the mouth, throat, esophagus, stomach, intestines and lungs. Raw carrots reduce blood cholesterol, while cooked carrots releases more carotene and is more bio-available. Used in most cleansing diets for the liver, blood and colon. Carrots taken whole or juiced are valuable for weight loss, blood cleansing, constipation, asthma, skin problems, poor teeth, insomnia, high blood pressure, kidney and bladder problems, colitis, eyesight, menstrual problems and helps to keep the skin healthy. Recommended for relief of peptic ulcers, prevents bodily infections and is valuable for the adrenal glands. Prevents infection of the eyes, throat, tonsils, sinuses and the lungs. For nursing mothers, it enhances the quality of their breast milk.

Chickpeas: Rich body building food and valuable for weight gain. They are a good source of protein, and being easily digestibile make it a fine food for sick persons who are unable to eat solid foods. High in vitamins and minerals.

Dandelion Greens: Extremely high in vitamin A and calcium recommended for cleansing the liver, gallbladder and spleen. Recommended for anaemia, low blood pressure, poor circulation, emaciation, constipation, eczema, acidosis and as a good general tonic and appetizer. Dandelion tea is valuable for treating colds, diabetes, rheumatism, arthritis, and kidney ailments. Can be used in salads or cooked like spinach.

Figs: Cancer fighters, lowers risk of tumours, contain fiber, lowers cholesterol, good for PMS, reduces sugar cravings, relieves constipation, low blood pressure, anaemia, pleurisy, skin disease and relieves anger and depression. The juice from soaked figs is an excellent laxative and beneficial for sore throats, coughs, and ulcers in the digestive system. Figs soaked in warm water are an effective poultice on inflamed boils and other abscess even of the gums and teeth. A great source of vitamin A, B, C, calcium, iron and phosphorus. Black mission figs contain progesterone and combat menopausal symptoms.

Garlic: Remarkable remedy, natural cleanser, infection-fighting chemicals to the diet, controls asthma, draws out poisons and pain, helps resist a cold, expels worms from the system, tranquilizers, removes warts, irrigates the colon and can treat mononucleosis. Lowers cholesterol, blood pressure, reduces the blood tendency to clot, which protects against strokes and is helpful in preventing cancer. Natural Antibiotic beneficial in colds, flu, and other bacterial disease. As opposed to antibiotics, garlic acts as a tonic and cleanser without side effects. Crushed garlic mixed with olive oil applied to gauze can be administered to painful joints, toothaches and ears (externally). Takes longer to work than antibiotics but leaves the body strengthened, not depleted and weak. Can be eaten raw with foods, cooked, boiled as a tea with ginger, crushed and made into a paste, blended with olive oil, refrigerated and taken for low-grade body infections.

Grapefruit: Natural antiseptic and is used in cuts and wounds to disinfect and stop bleeding. Assist in removing mucus from the body due to the natural quinine contained in it. Lowers blood cholesterol and may even clean out arteries to reverse arteriosclerosis. Has anti-cancer capabilities due to high vitamin C content, which is an anti-oxidant and can neutralize carcinogens. The rind as an anti-mutagen counteracts cellular changes leading to cancer. Beneficial to the heart due to the pectin it contains, effective against colds, flu and strengthens mucous membranes. Useful in obesity, sluggish liver, gall stones, catarrh, fevers, pneumonia, poor digestion, skin problems, and useful as a drug-poison eliminator. Dissolves inorganic calcium in the body, effective against arthritis.

Grapes: “The queen of fruits” so called because of their great internal blood cleansing properties. Good body builder, it is a source of quick energy. Grape juice is useful in constipation, gout and rheumatism, skin and liver disorders. This alkaline fruit helps greatly to decrease acidity of the uric acid and lends itself further in aiding the elimination of the acid from the system, cleansing the kidneys as well. They can be used as a grape fast to cleanse the system. Help prevent tooth decay and gum disease. When combined with powdered pectin, grape juice can ease arthritis pain. They provide iron to build and treat anaemia.

Kale: High in vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, and containing riboflavin, niacin, iron and protein, has been found to be helpful in cases of constipation, obesity, acidosis, general emaciation, poor teeth, pyorrhea, arthritis, gout, rheumatism, skin diseases, hyperthyroidism and bladder disorder.

Kelp: The richest source of iodine. Good protective food which corrects mineral deficiencies. Valuable in overcoming digestion, preventing and overcoming goiter, hypothyroidism, and rebuilding and maintaining the proper function of all the glands. Kelp has been reported to be an aid in brain development; it offsets deficiencies of an inferior diet; it is beneficial for those suffering from impotency, anaemia and emaciation.

Lemon: A valuable fruit for preserving health with numerous medicinal properties. Alkaline in nature it cleanses the blood stream of toxins and impurities. From cataracts to athlete’s foot, the lemon has been used to ease the ailments in the body. Mixed with honey will soothe sore throat, rubbed on the skin eliminates eczema. Cleans teeth, reduces and prevents fatigue. Builds immunity from early childhood into adulthood. Added to warm water used first thing in the morning increases the production of digestive juices, tone up the system, cleanses and decongest the liver. Alleviates constipation, staunch the flow of blood, and relieves cuts, by rubbing the lemon on affected area. Lemon with garlic, onion, cayenne pepper, and grapefruit aids relief of colds, flu and headaches.


Millet: Alkaline grain, low in starch and easily digested. Valuable for constipation, weight gain and general emaciation. Extremely nutritious, can be used in baking replacing seeds, ground into a meal and sprinkled over foods. Can be used with seeds, dried fruits, fresh fruits and vegetables.

Mustard Greens: An excellent tonic valuable for anaemia, constipation, rheumatism, arthritis, acidity, kidney, bladder ailments and for bronchitis. Due to the high calcium content is suitable for pregnant women and nursing mothers. Useful in ridding the system of poisonous substances.

Nuts: Rich in vitamin E and protein, nuts are also a good source of manganese a mineral which helps prevent osteoporosis. Almonds are most beneficial and should be eaten regularly. Brazil nuts are high in selenium and effective in cancer treatment and for prevention of cancer. Should be used raw or blanched for cooking.

Oats: Good for lowering LDL cholesterol and raising HDL cholesterol. They contain choline, which plays an important role in memory function. Low in fat and sodium, oats contain seven B vitamins, vitamin E, and nine minerals. Anti-inflammatory can be used topically to heal skin diseases and also helpful in chicken pox. Oats have been recommended as a general body builder and for muscle development. They are said to help the glands, teeth, hair and nails. Steel cut oats are very beneficial.

Okra: Mucilaginous in nature, okra is useful in the treatment of stomach ulcers, and in cases of inflammation of the lungs as in pleurisy and of the colon as in colitis. It will also help in sore throat conditions, and used in reducing excessive weight.

Olive Oil: Consumption produces a significant lowering of arterial blood pressure. It also helps prevent blood clots which produce strokes. An antioxidant substance which fight against cellular damage that speeds the effects of aging and can cause cancer. An alkaline food which helps to nourish the system. Extra virgin olive oil is the finest grade and a great substitute for butter and margarine. (Margarine is harmful to the arteries and contributes to breast cancer. It does not digest).

Onions: Like garlic can be used internally and externally for medicinal purposes. Eating onion increases circulation, stimulates and warms the body. Raw onions has antibiotic qualities, as garlic. Roasted onions used as a poultice will draw poison from an ear infection. Raw bruised onions are used for sprains, bruises and frostbite. Onions are antithrombotic and reduce the incidence of blood clots that can lead to strokes. They are used to break up mucus congestion, just by eating them raw or placing them raw or roasted on the chest. Poultice: Place a layer of castor oil on the chest, add the raw onion, cover over with plastic and then a warm towel. Three tablespoons of honey, a few drops of onions juice, cayenne, a tablespoon of lemon juice and a drop of eucalyptus or peppermint oil to relieve cough. To clear sinus passages, a fresh-cut onion can be inhaled.

Onions increase the flow of urine, are slightly laxative and have antiseptic qualities. It also improves cases of low blood pressure, insomnia, neuritis, dizziness and obesity. It will also destroy worms and other parasites in the body. Used as a poultice on boils on the skin. Do not use when spoiling as they absorb all poisons through their open surface. Once it is cut use or wrap securely and refrigerate.

Papaya: High in beta carotene, vitamin A, D, E, K and C, potassium and contains thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, calcium, iron and phosphorus. It contains the digestive enzyme papain, which is helpful in aiding digestion. It is easily digested and cleanses the digestive tract. The juice aids in relieving infections in the colon and breaks down pus and mucus in the system. The leaves can be used to dress ulcerated wounds.

Parsley: Parsley is extremely rich in vitamin A and C, calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, and also contains thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, protein, copper and manganese. Valuable in anaemia, lung ailments, menstruation disorders, fever, liver and gall bladder problems, urinary tract diseases, rheumatism, arthritis, acidosis, obesity, high blood pressure and digestive problems. Juiced, it provides chlorophyll and removes poisons from the body. It is also used in juice form to dissolve kidney and other stones. Should be eaten raw.

Peas: Good source of soluble fibre, which lowers cholesterol and protein. They also contain potassium, which helps control blood pressure and promotes a healthy heart. Peas are a good nourishing food which strengthens and builds the body. They are good for anaemia, low blood pressure and for weight gain.

Peppers: High in vitamin C, peppers promote a feeling of well-being by reducing the activity of neurotransmitters in the brain which carry pain messages to the central nervous system. They also act as nasal decongestant, reduce the risk of pulmonary disease and boost metabolism. Valuable for liver disorders, obesity, constipation, high blood pressure and acidosis.

Pineapple: Suitable for healthy, strong bones. It aids the digestive process due to the papain present. Contains vitamin A, B, C, calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium and chlorine useful in the digestion of proteins. Good for constipation, and assist in weight loss. Used as a gland regulator and good in cases of goiter, bronchitis, colds, high blood pressure, arthritis and tumors. Fresh pineapple juice is used to expel intestinal worms, and the fresh fruit combats infections of the throat and body.

Potatoes: Like onions they draw infection and purities from the body, and from the air. A raw peeled potato will help a bruise or sprain when grated in a poultice and placed in gauze, alone or with for instance charcoal, or sliced and placed right on the skin; may relieve pain from a minor burn, and used for sore eyes, boils and skin inflammations,. Raw potato juice is indicated for relief of ulcers. High in potassium and cholesterol lowering fiber. Potatoes help you feel calm, relaxed and cheerful by boosting certain chemicals in the brain. They are a nourishing food that will build up the body. Used with carrots and onions, they are used when a fast is broken, or the body debilitated, as a potassium broth (boil with the skin). Like onions, potatoes should be used entirely when cut. Do not buy potatoes that are shriveled, blackened or sprouting. Also avoid white potatoes with greenish areas on the skin, do not eat the green areas nor eyes as they are poison to the system.

Prunes: Contain magnesium and iron, and are a mild laxative food. Used to increase energy and improve circulation. Also known to relieve a sore throat and assist with anaemia.

Pumpkin Seeds: Pumpkin seeds are high in zinc, and also contain iron, phosphorus, protein, vitamin A, B and calcium. They are beneficial to men experiencing prostrate problems. They are recommended in cases of constipation, and a tea of pumpkin seeds is used for tape and other worm elimination.

Rice: Brown rice lowers cholesterol and is a good source of protein and B vitamins. It is easily digested and provides all of the necessary carbohydrate requirements. It contains vitamin B6, K, riboflavin, thiamine, niacin, protein, calcium, iron, phosphorus and potassium. It has been used for stomach or intestinal ulcers and to relieve diarrhea.

Soybeans: Provides protein to substitute for flesh products. It is good for diabetics, easily digested, and is one of the most nourishing and body-building foods in the world. It is especially good for growing children for aid in growth and development. Its high lecithin content, providing choline, makes it a good brain and artery food. It is thus excellent for mental fatigue and to protect against cholesterol build-up. The high content of linoleic acids make it a good food for healthy skin. Soybeans are about twenty times more alkaline than milk.

Sunflower: Sunflower seeds are one of the best natural foods nourishing the body. It contains vitamin A, B, protein, calcium, iron, phosphorus, and many other vital elements needed for growth and repair. It is good for weak eyes, poor fingernails, tooth decay, arthritis, and dryness of skin.

Tomatoes: Good source of vitamin C. High in potassium, which protects against strokes and heart disease. They are naturally antiseptic and protect against infection. When applied externally as a poultice or when eaten they are reported to relieve cases of ringworm.

Turnips: Full of chemical compounds that help block the development of tumours and fight cancer. They should not be shriveled but tender, un-wilted and moist.

Wheat: Provides B vitamins, which aids in stress reduction and boost energy. Source of vitamin E, which helps prevent saturated fatty acids from breaking down in harmful ways. Wheat is a source of  insoluble fiber which helps promote healthy intestines and eases digestion. Whole wheat should be used (if white flour is needed, only use unbleached).


Author: Charlene Chablal-de Gourville BSN, RN, AScn Environmental Health.
Continuing Education – Adv. Dip. Holistic Nutrition

References:  The Kitchen Apothecary by Mayfield A.. Foods For Life. Ministry of Health Publishing Assn.US

Produced by: Neoteric Natural Health Consultants 2015