Living Foods

Living foods are foods which keep us healthy, free from diseases and provide healing and strength to our bodies. They are rich in anti-oxidants, anti-inflammatory properties, vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids. These are the foods we need to consume daily in order to reach and maintain an optimum level of health. Although Organic foods are preferred and healthier to use, if they are not available then use what is available.  Do you think it is worth trying them? Almonds: Almonds are especially nourishing to nerve cells. It contains minerals and vitamins particularly Calcium for strong bones and teeth. It is rich in protein and fat and the best nut […]

Vitamins and Minerals – Essentials of life

Vitamins and Minerals – Essentials of life

They are often called micro-nutrients, when compared with the four major nutrients- carbohydrates, proteins, fats and water. They are needed in relatively small amounts in the body, but, extremely vital to keep our body processes running smoothly. Eating a healthy diet remains the best way of to get sufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals necessary in the body.   Vitamins are organic compounds which occur naturally in plants and animals. They are coenzymes, a fundamental part of enzymes much the same as muscles are fundamental parts of your arms and legs. They convert food into energy, repair cellular damage, heal wounds, bolster your immune system and also help form bone […]