Nursing Mothers

Before and after conception most women would have already decided whether they would choose to breast feed or not. With information and encouragement from health professionals, family members and discussions by the couple a woman plans and prepares for breast feeding during her pregnancy. She is very careful with her diet and would massage and prepare her breast physically for breastfeeding.

Again breastfeeding is optional and the decision is left up to the woman once she has no health, nor physical restrictions preventing her from breastfeeding. However, although promotion of breast feeding seem endless still some women choose not to breast feed and that’s their choice which must be respected. Well I would like to share some of the benefits of breast feeding to the mother and stimulate your interest in doing so.

Benefits of Breast Feeding to the mother:

Breast milk is economical and freely developed and produced within the body. There is no cost attached to it and no preparation which can lead to dilution of feeds and the risk of contamination. No time is spent on washing bottles, sterilizing, measuring formula and boiling water, which is then spent relaxing and resting while breastfeeding the baby.

Breast milk is always at the right temperature. There is no need to heat nor add boiling water.

Just as a woman’s breast milk is designed specifically to nourish the baby, the production and delivery of milk aids the health of the woman also. Breast feeding releases a hormone called oxytocin in the woman which causes her uterus to contract and regain original size and place prior to pregnancy.

Breastfeeding assist the mother to lose the excess weight gained during pregnancy. As the calories are broken down to produce milk during lactation.

Strict breast feeding acts as a form of natural contraception protecting the woman from becoming pregnant to soon after giving birth.

The emotional health of the mother is greatly enhanced through breastfeeding. It helps her to be less anxious as she develops a stronger relationship with her baby.

Breastfeeding also lowers the risk of breast, ovarian, endometrial and uterine cancer.

The risk of osteoporosis is reduced in women who breastfeeding. Although some bone density is lost during breastfeeding, it is regained after lactation.

Women with diabetes experience better control during breastfeeding as the amount of insulin required postpartum reduces.

Yes the benefits and wonderful and various. Besides being economically and socially beneficial it is also physically and psychologically beneficial to the mother.

Will you not think on these things before making your choice – to breast feed or not to breast feed that’s the question?


P.S. : Here is a little extra information just for you:

Natural treatment for Nursing Mothers

Blessed Thistle is known to increase mother’s milk.

Brewer’s yeast taken daily will increase milk as well as give the mother necessary energy.

Alfalfa is excellent for rich milk and strength for the mother.

Red Raspberry tea is also good.

Breast – Vitamin C, 1,000 mgs can be taken every hour for the first sign of the breast becoming infected. Take extra Vitamin A and E and garlic capsules.

Cold cabbage leaves are excellent to relieve the discomfort of mastitis or redness to the breast.

Cracked Nipples: For cracked or sore nipples apply a thin layer of honey or almond oil. Keep breast out of bra to allow air to assist with healing. Slight salt water application during baths are beneficial.

Drying up Milk – Parsley and sage will dry up mother’s milk.


Author: Charlene Chablal-de Gourville BSN, RN, AScn Environmental Health.
Adv Dip Holistic Nutrition (2015 candidate)

Produced by: Neoteric Natural Health Consultants 2015