Safe Treatments in Pregnancy

When we think of natural treatments and therapies we often think that they are unsafe in pregnancy and should be used very cautiously. However, natural herbs and treatments can be safer and more effective than many drugs prescribed during pregnancy.  Natural treatments can simply be vitamins, minerals, herbs and teas.

Many women are advised to take iron supplements during pregnancy, this however will not be necessary if she is getting sufficient from a well-balanced diet where dark green leafy vegetables and fruits high in Vitamin C are being consumed. Well let me share a little secret with you about a herb called “Red Raspberry”.  Herbal teas are really lovely and pleasant to drink and this is one form that red raspberry comes in. You can also acquire it in capsule form. This is well known in pregnancy as it is safe and effective, used to strengthen the uterus for delivery and there is less bleeding. It is high in iron, helps in after pain and birth defects. Women who take Red Raspberry usually have shorter labors. Isn’t this great!

Let’s look at some other conditions and their natural treatment:

Anemia: Iron is essential for the formation of hemoglobin which carries the oxygen from the lungs to every cell of the body. Pregnant women need extra iron as it becomes diluted with the increase in blood volume. Use either raw apple juice or pineapple juice, then add alfalfa sprouts, parsley or kale, or any dark green leafy vegetable, wheat grass, and spearmint or peppermint leaves: blend in the blender and add Vitamin C-500mgs as it aids iron absorption. Vitamin E strengthens the blood cells.

Constipation: 3-5 portions of fruits and vegetables should be eaten daily. Bran and brewer’s yeast are very useful. Drinking adequate amounts of water is important to reduce and avoid constipation. Psyllium or a lower bowel herbal formula is helpful.

False Labor: Catnip is famous for its ability to sedate the central nervous system by gently relieving nervous congestion from built-up emotional tension. So it relieves insomnia, stress and anxiety and relaxes the uterus. It is safe in babies for colic. Can be used as a tea 1-2tsp in a cup of boiling water three times daily. Can be used with lemon balm.

Gas and Heartburn: Fresh papaya and small amounts of ginger are also helpful.

Insomnia: Chamomile tea is very safe and gentle in pregnancy. A cup of tea at night with calcium before going to bed is very helpful. It also helps to relieve leg cramps.

Morning Sickness: Having a glass of water before meals and before brushing teeth on mornings. Dandelion tea 4-10g can be used three times daily. Red Raspberry, catnip, spearmint or peppermint tea and ginger can also be used and are very safe. Sometimes a digestive enzyme can be taken also.

Miscarriage: Red Raspberry tea helps prevent miscarriage. One cup of tea three times daily. Cramp bark is used to relax muscles and stops uterine cramps. It is safe in pregnancy. Decoct one tablespoon dried bark in a cup of water for 10-15mins and drink 3-4 times daily or as needed.

Toxemia: Green drink is helpful to clean the blood stream. Add kelp, dandelion, Alfalfa, kale, Chard, Nettle and Red beet and leaves also can be used combining not more than two of the dark green leafy vegetables at a time. Avoid red meat, white sugar products and white flour products. Increase Vitamin A (carrots) and C (lemon) to diet. These can be juiced as well.

Calcium Formulas: Alfalfa, dark green leafy vegetables, broccoli, kidney beans, okra, parsley, turnip greens and water cress all contain natural calcium. Sesame seed, almond, brazil nuts and sea vegetables such as Hiziki, wakame and kelp are also high sources of natural calcium.  Dairy products contain calcium however, they are difficult to digest. If using a supplement take Calcium citrate combined with Magnesium and Vitamin D for proper absorption. Avoid carbonated beverages, caffeine drinks and sugar products.


Author: Charlene Chablal-de Gourville BSN, RN, AScn Environmental Health.
Adv Dip Holistic Nutrition (2015 candidate)

Produced by: Neoteric Natural Health Consultants 2015