Safe Treatments in Pregnancy

Safe Treatments in Pregnancy

When we think of natural treatments and therapies we often think that they are unsafe in pregnancy and should be used very cautiously. However, natural herbs and treatments can be safer and more effective than many drugs prescribed during pregnancy.  Natural treatments can simply be vitamins, minerals, herbs and teas. Many women are advised to take iron supplements during pregnancy, this however will not be necessary if she is getting sufficient from a well-balanced diet where dark green leafy vegetables and fruits high in Vitamin C are being consumed. Well let me share a little secret with you about a herb called “Red Raspberry”.  Herbal teas are really lovely and […]

Stress-Free or Stress-Less?

Stress-Free or Stress-Less?

Are you enjoying a stress free life? Well that is amazing! No one can live without experiencing some degree of stress all the time. There are two types of stress; good stress which we experience most days to keep us getting up and facing the day ahead. It is also the spice of life, for any emotion like sheer joy or activity like crossing a busy intersection causes stress in a good sense. Bad or negative stress is the second type of stress and this refers to stresses which can cause a negative impact on health and life. Sickness and diseases can cause physical and psychological stress as well as […]