Vegetarian - where do you get your proteinPeople choose a vegetarian or even vegan diet for various reasons such as it is healthier, controlling food sensitivities, animal lover, eco friendly, etc. What is your reason? Come explore 18 possible reasons.

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# Reason Comments
1 Avoid excess protein Meat eaters are almost always getting too much protein. A “meat substitute” is no more required than is meat.
2 Animal tissue waste is ingested Animals like humans eliminate waste from the cells into the blood to be eliminated from the body. Meat extracts have practically no food value and are heavily loaded with waste such as uric acid. The human body therefore has to eliminate it’s own waste along with the waste of the animals. The hormonal secretions of the animal is also passed on to the meat eater.
3 Meat stimulants The stimulating effect of meat makes the meat eater feel weak when he/she does not get meat.
4 Meat is acid forming in the stomach Acidosis is a condition where the PH of the blood becomes dangerously acidic. Acid blood breathes disease.
5 Lacking in minerals & vitamins Not the best source of nutrients.
6 Hyperacidity Meat contributes to hyperacidity of the stomach. It gives immediate relief in cases of Hyperacidity but contributes to future feelings of hyperacidity.
7 Meat is  constipating Oysters, fish, fowl, and meats of all kinds putrefy rapidly and contribute to constipation.
8 Degenerates vital organs Acidifies the blood and diminishes oxidation. It charges the system with an abundance of nitrogenous waste, Uric acid in particular. (Uric acid is suspected to be the cause of Arthritic pain.)
9 Loads of  bacteria Extracts of meat have been used in Labs to cultivate bacteria for study.
10 Diseases are passed on from animals to man Even though the cancerous growths or tumors are removed from sick animals the blood and cells carries the waste.
11 Not a strength food. Proven from tests conducted on both meat & non-meat eaters.
12 Meat eaters tire more quickly than vegetarians (Less endurance) The tissue fluids of meat eaters are less alkaline than non-flesh eaters. The meat hinders the disposal of lactic acid. Lions, Leopards and Cheaters are very fast animals but lack the endurance of an Elephant which can run for hours.
13 A second hand food The protein of meat is second hand since the animal ate the grass and grains to obtain it’s supply. Why not cut out the supplier and get your source straight from the manufacturer.
14 Not a natural food & is cruel. The Intelligence displayed by many dumb animals approaches so closely to human intelligence that it is a mystery. Animals “TRUST” those who care for them. Their body’s glands increase hormonal secretions when they feel pain or danger. Those secretions are passed on to you as you enjoy your nice “juicy” steak or fish.
15 Expensive The cost of land, labor and feed has carried the price of meat up.

Though antibiotics and hormones fed to animals has increased stock size, reduced the time to market and helped to lower the cost they have produced a weaker species of animal.

16 Encourages a taste for stimulating foods and drinks. A heavy meat-eater would use more spices and alcohol. We see the temperament of a flesh eating animal and we are scared or cautious, but we seem to believe it will not affect our temperament or character.
17 Human physiology Structurally the human jaw is not designed for eating meat. We need to cook it until tender since our teeth are designed for chewing and not tearing our food
18 Animals Anatomy vs Man’s Anatomy

Human anatomy compensates but is not designed for chewing and properly digesting meat

The digestive tract of a flesh eating animal is short and smooth to facilitate a quick transition of the meat or other foods out of the body.

Man’s small intestines are 26 feet long and large intestines are 6 feet long. It takes a convoluted path with many twists, turns and kinks.

Animals can handle cholesterol and fat and have much less need of fiber to move food along. Humans have a greater need to use fiber and water to keep the food moving along and avoid constipation.


Other Reading: Meat Can Our Bodies Handle It?

Author: Curt de Gourville, Lifestyle Counselor

Reference: “Abundant Health” Julius Gilbert White and other sources.


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