The best diet is one that supplies our daily lifestyle requirements while supporting a healthy weight AND we can maintain it for the rest of our life.

It seems like every month we hear about a new diet book released, a new scientific breakthrough or a new Guru expounding his theory on weight control and dieting  to manage health and disease. WebMD provides us with a list of 107 diets, yes 107. How many of these have been successful. I can guess that the majority have noted successes at diet or disease management because in most if not all cases, people who resort to dieting, for any reason are more aware of their current health status and in addition to following a diet they also make some effort(s) at changing either or both dietary and lifestyle habits or choices.

WebMD lists 107 different Diets :

How do the various Diets Compare? :


A friend of mine once said about diets. A Diet is something you can DIE AT,

a pun on the word and in some  cases this may be true.


Diets today primarily focus on weight loss and not on living an optimal life. They are focus only around some specific aspect of nutrition. Yet, if in addition to good sound nutrition we  observed a few basic health laws our bodies will naturally adjust its weight, overweight will reduce and underweight will increase to normal levels for our height, bone structure (BMI) and daily activities.


Diets have a very short lifespan and most people who undertake a specific diet do not keep it beyond achieving their first weight goal much more to live consistently on it for the rest of their life.


The main failures of diets are the following:

  • too technical (counting, monitoring, calculating, combining)
  • too detailed or specific (limited choices)
  • focus is on weight loss and not proper nutrition
  • not tasty and satisfying enough to encourage long term use
  • false expectation of the final result (reduce by 3-4 dress sizes)
  • Too slow. Most people want to get their results fast, the faster the better regardless of long term effects (risks)


There are four simple principles to follow in losing weight

  1. Do not consume more than you can burn. Your body will automatically provide you a larger “warehouse” to store your fat if you consume in excess of your needs
  2. Increase physical activity, got to burn it off
  3. Moderate and wise nutrition choices for daily lifestyle requirements. Consistent daily breakfast is vitally important in any program
  4. Good healthy lifestyle practices i.e. adequate water, sleep (right amount and right time), reduce stress, consistent meal times

If your weight gain is brought on by reduced physical mobility or drugs (hormone therapy or contraceptive use), it can be very difficult and frustrating to reduce down to “normal” levels.


All diets will either fail or have temporary effect if the objective is not matched to a lifetime goal. Therefore it is essential to consider a full lifestyle change inclusive of the following:

  • Adequate nutrition
  • Exercise
  • Fresh Air (deep breathing during activities for improved blood oxygen content)
  • Water – intake relative to body weight
  • Sleep – 6-8 hours at the right time of night. The hours before midnight are worth twice the hours after midnight
  • Sunshine daily
  • Reduce stressors
  • Faith and trust in God


Author: Curt de Gourville, Lifestyle Counselor, October 2014

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